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January 4 National Day

January 4 National Day

Here are some of the most popular January 4rd National Days. We hope you enjoy the list of January National Holidays Calendar

National Braille Day
National Trivia Day Dimpled Chad Day
National Popcorn Day National Spaghetti Day


January 4th history

  • In 1762, Britain’s King George III ascended to the throne after the death of his grandfather, King George II.
  • In 1809, Louis Braille, the inventor of the system of raised dots for reading and writing that bears his name, was born in Coupvray, France.
  • In 1824, the United States Department of War established the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
  • In 1853, President-elect Franklin Pierce and his family were involved in a train accident in which the Pierce’s 11-year-old son, Benjamin, was killed.
  • In 1915, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote.